Media Centre

Watch our entire Canada's Ocean City video collection featuring ocean technology companies in Nova Scotia and the work they are doing locally and internationally.

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ocean innovators

Generating approximately $4.5 billion or 12.2% of our provincial GDP, dive deeper and learn more about Halifax and Nova Scotia's Ocean Technology Sector and how we are world leaders in ocean innovation.

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the force of tidal

Tom Knox, Founder of Halifax-based company, EMO Marine Technologies Ltd. (now part of the MacArtney Underwater Technology Group), talks about their unique multiplexer system and their work with FORCE (Fundy Ocean Research Centre for Energy) to help monitor the tides in the Bay of Fundy (the highest tides in the world).

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planet ocean

Until now, much of what happened beneath the surface of the ocean went unnoticed. Monitoring technology was constrained by harsh ocean conditions, the duration of research vessel expeditions, and the battery life of instruments. Today, Sea-Bird Scientific’s innovative and robust sensors address these limitations, measuring chemical and biological challenges affecting the world’s oceans.

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harmony of the ocean

Meet Desiree Stockermans, Co-Founder of Ocean Sonics, a Halifax-based ocean technology company that designs and manufactures digital hydrophones - a vital tool for understanding, studying and measuring the ocean's health.

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making waves

Jamie Sangster, CEO of Halifax-based company, LeeWay Marine, talks about how their vessels help support the ocean research, technology, government and defense industries.